If you are looking for a quick guide to the level 100 talents announced today at Blizzcon for the new Warlords of Draenor expansion for all the classes, you are in the right place. Here are links to our extensive look at each new talent choices for the following classes.
Shaman Level 100 Talents – Restoration, Elemental & Enhancement
Rainstorm; Storm Elemental Totem; Reach of the Elements
Priest Level 100 Talents – Discipline, Holy & Shadow
Power of the Void; Divine Clarity; Spiritual Guidance
Monk Level 100 Talents – Mistweaver, Windwalker & Brewmaster
Vital Convictions; Chi Explosion; Serene Mists
Druid Level 100 Talents – Restoration, Balance, Feral & Guardian
Touch of Elune; Will of Malfurion; Might of Malorne
Paladin Level 100 Talents – Holy, Protection & Retribution
The Light Within; Seal of Faith; Divine Conviction
Gearing up to be a great expansion!
Thanks so much for posting these, MMO doesn’t have them and I have been scouring Twitter. Any chance you could include all the talents for all the classes. Would be nice to know if Prot Warriors get some awesome tank CD or if some of the other classes get some sort of defensive CD they should use on heroic bosses next expac 🙂 Raiders have a tendancy not to mention those little things if another talent gives even a 0.05% higher DPS.