While Druids got a nice buff in 5.3, according to the Dev interview at Icy-Veins, they will be emphasized even more in 5.4,
HoTs used to be the mechanic that provided some healing cushion” and now it really feels like absorbs have shouldered hots away. We buffed Resto druids a little in 5.3 and we have plans in 5.4 to emphasize their hots even more, especially in AE healing situations, which have become the dominant way to heal raids. We’ll see what the 5.3 changes bring to absorbs and make further changes as necessary. We’re glad that 10-player healers are having fun playing their Holy paladins and Disc priests, but the shaman, druids, monks and other priests want to have fun too. Healer representation is much better at the 25-player raid level.
There has definitely been some improvement with druids in 5.3, this should help bring them up a bit more.