If you got all excited about the Healing Stream Totem changes or unexcited about the Power Word: Shield changes on the PTR for 5.3, you have nothing to worry about, Ghostcrawler has confirmed they are simply tooltip changes, not buffs or nerfs.
From the 5.3 PTR notes:
Healing Stream Totem (Restoration) now heals for 83.3% of Spell Power, up from 31 + 42.6% of Spell Power.
Power Word: Shield SP and base absorb reduced by 20% for Discipline. Holy also saw a
reduction, showing the same tooltip values as Shadow priests now.
That said, things could still change before 5.3 drops 🙂
Another chance Blizzard is missing out on for nerfbatting the incredibly over powered disc. My guild wants to sit me and heal 10M with double disc or double disc and hpally. I thought Blizzard didn’t want class stacking? Yeah, right.