There have been many teens about the new Holy Pally tier talents and how things like the different Seals work. Here is all the scoop via Twitter.
Hiya! Quick Question, so you have fistweaving, and atonement. Any plans for a paladin (seems a natch) or druid version in WoD?
Druids already have it in Dream of Cenarius. Seal of Faith is doing that for Paladins, though in a different way. (Source)Seal of Faith=terrible talent, scrap it
I suppose that’s better feedback than none at all, but reasoning and thoughts would be even better. (Source)
Unless you give holy a reliable baseline dps HP generator. /4
Assume you have access to all of the spec’s builders/finishers that you want. (Source)
Holy does not have a reliable dps builder.We have to spec SH for Judgment to grant HP&crusader strike is not reliable
How is Crusader Strike not reliable? (Source)
We don’t have melee mechanics immunity for one.
OK, what if you did, with Seal of Faith? (Source)
I’d spec the talent to gain said immunity and use Insight anyway.
I sincerely doubt that you’d give up your other lvl 100 talents for that. Could make it only work while active. (Source)
Can seal swap dance if required on dangerous mechanic. Besides lvl 100 talents for H Pala = bad/situational
Let’s try to back up a step. Don’t get stuck in ‘how’ nitpicking. Feedback on the general intent of the talent? (Source)
The biggest issue is that, as a paladin, DPS-based healing doesn’t feeling natural.
How so? It’d be new functionality that you’re not used to, but that could be said for anything. (Source)
Talenting into Stance Dancing just sounds horrible period in both feel and power.
The intent is no dancing. It’s a committed thing. (Source)
You can’t really expect a healer not to dance, too many variables in a fight
You can expect them not to dance if they aren’t able to. (Source)
While Paladins seem to love or hate the new talents (although double Beacons is pretty awesome for two tank fights), they are hinting a bit that we might see some changes upcoming.