For Mistweaver monks a bit on the hesitant side about the changes in relation to Mistweavers and fistweaving can be rest assured that they will still be considered melee regardless of stance. And it does make sense, as you don’t want to have a mistweaver switching stances and forgetting he or she needs to run in or run out to do it…. I can just imagine all the very unhappy raid leaders when a Mistweaver forgets to run out and gets targeted for something that screws the entire melee.
.Given the changes to Mistweaving/fistweaving you discussed before, will this also change based upon healing stances?
Mistweavers will count as melee, regardless of stance. Don’t want them afraid to swap between stances. (Source)
This could change by the time Warlords of Draenor comes around, but this is the current plan.
This is a bit of a change where Blizzard had previously said:
For the new mistweaver stances, will MWs still count as melee in both?
Undecided, but leaning toward yes. Don’t want someone Fistweaving to feel like they can’t swap back to Mistweaving in emergency (Source)
Ease of swapping will be nice, when a healer dies or massive damage goes out, you want your Mistweaver to be able to pick up the slack.