The Healer Watercooler today had plenty of Resto Druid changes in it.
Wild Growth has been changed, and it will now have a 1.5 second cast time, bringing it in line with the other healer instant cast heal changes.
They have removed Nourish from the game, although they could re-use that name for a different spell.
Druid Higher Efficiency: Healing Touch, Rejuvenation, Efflorescence
Druid Higher Throughput: Regrowth, Wild Growth
With absorbs being toned down, this should help druids get more healing out of their rejuvs, which quite often just go into overhealing when a raid is mostly BIS.
Additionally, we’re toning down the power of absorbs in general. When they get too strong, absorption effects are often used in place of direct healing instead of as a way to supplement it. We will, of course, take these changes into account when tuning specializations that rely heavily on absorbs, such as Discipline Priests.
Efflorescence is on Shrooms baseline now. (Celestalon)
With so many of our heals being hots, I was worried they might be given more cast times, I am thankfully relieved!